Copy path to clipboardCreate a Text value to be inserted into an XML element as content with no character escaping.
let XML = ./package.dhall
in XML.render
( XML.element
{ name = "location"
, attributes = XML.emptyAttributes
, content = [ XML.rawText "<bar n=\"1\"/>" ]
= "<foo><bar n=\"1\"/></foo>"
Create a Text value to be inserted into an XML element as content with no
character escaping.
let XML = ./package.dhall
in XML.render
( XML.element
{ name = "location"
, attributes = XML.emptyAttributes
, content = [ XML.rawText "<bar n=\"1\"/>" ]
= "<foo><bar n=\"1\"/></foo>"
let XML =
missing sha256:ab91a0edaf0513e0083b1dfae5efa160adc99b0e589775a4a699ab77cce528a9
? ./Type.dhall
let rawText
: Text → XML
= λ(d : Text) →
λ(XML : Type) →
λ ( xml
: { text : Text → XML
, rawText : Text → XML
, element :
{ attributes : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }
, content : List XML
, name : Text
} →
) →
xml.rawText d
in rawText