
Copy path to clipboard

Escape a Text value such that it can be used safely in shells. The escaping is done by replacing all ' with '"'"' and wraps that string in single quotes.

This works for all POSIX-compliant shells and some other shells like csh.


shell-escape "foo" ≡ "'foo'"
shell-escape "foo'bar" ≡ "'foo'\"'\"'bar'"


Escape a Text value such that it can be used safely in shells.
The escaping is done by replacing all `'` with `'"'"'` and wraps that string in
single quotes.

This works for all POSIX-compliant shells and some other shells like csh.
let shell-escape
: Text -> Text
= \(xs : Text) -> "'${Text/replace "'" "'\"'\"'" xs}'"

let example0 = assert : shell-escape "foo" === "'foo'"

let example1 = assert : shell-escape "foo'bar" === "'foo'\"'\"'bar'"

in shell-escape