Copy path to clipboard@intersect a b@ intesects the flags of the two Mask
s @a@ and @b@. This
resembles the bitwise "and", i.e. the value of a flag is 'True' if and only if
it is set to 'True' in both @a@ and @b@. As a consequence @intersect a rwx == a@
and @intersect a none == none@ for all @a@.
@intersect a b@ intesects the flags of the two `Mask`s @a@ and @b@. This
resembles the bitwise "and", i.e. the value of a flag is 'True' if and only if
it is set to 'True' in both @a@ and @b@. As a consequence @intersect a rwx == a@
and @intersect a none == none@ for all @a@.
let Mask =
missing sha256:c0fa7626b69e117086439a7b4ee15d1a80e16e38fe2ccc13f55e6dd26030b4df
? ./Type.dhall
let intersect
: Mask -> Mask -> Mask
= \(m1 : Mask) ->
\(m2 : Mask) ->
{ read = m1.read && m2.read
, write = m1.write && m2.write
, execute = m1.execute && m2.execute
let example0 =
let r =
missing sha256:26d7fc8df6194a8051946eac88d0d7fecce690bff6819e69b3c74edf65ac027a
? ./r.dhall
let w =
missing sha256:9d10dfc672f61bbb2828c7be2121aae2502938c25adb47bb8cce3c40ba99821b
? ./w.dhall
let x =
missing sha256:a966fd88c05a5912a6daa8409e0c9e396f0a4810b51def1e1f62a95e18235f10
? ./x.dhall
let rwx =
missing sha256:cafda16b1ecc0d2f9a63f3aab229a02e18aebb054283c73e50517f1e3727cd27
? ./rwx.dhall
let none =
missing sha256:db6c3bb734bb3288441f2664379706052943eaba35c021326a600d41ca766925
? ./none.dhall
in assert : intersect r (intersect w (intersect x rwx)) === none
let example1 =
\(a : Mask) ->
let rwx =
missing sha256:cafda16b1ecc0d2f9a63f3aab229a02e18aebb054283c73e50517f1e3727cd27
? ./rwx.dhall
in assert
: intersect a rwx
=== { execute = a.execute, read = a.read, write = a.write }
let example2 =
\(a : Mask) ->
let none =
missing sha256:db6c3bb734bb3288441f2664379706052943eaba35c021326a600d41ca766925
? ./none.dhall
in assert : intersect a none === none
in intersect