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Calculates the union of the access rights set by both Masks using Access/union.


Calculates the union of the access rights set by both `Mask`s using
let Mask =
missing sha256:4f97762058f24053e03997565a78800a5a2586159deaa265a4ee84a3d94ad471
? ./Type.dhall

let Access/union =
missing sha256:b40c4cbb266991e3f764af075e9db544b59c16b3d9aa680c0cf6cb7552da191f
? ../../Access/Mask/union.dhall

let union
: Mask -> Mask -> Mask
= \(m1 : Mask) ->
\(m2 : Mask) ->
{ user = Access/union m1.user m2.user
, group = Access/union m1.group m2.group
, other = Access/union m1.other m2.other

in union