
Copy path to clipboard

This is the canonical way to encode a dynamic list of key-value pairs.

Tools (such as dhall-to-json/dhall-to-yaml will recognize values of this type and convert them to maps/dictionaries/hashes in the target language

For example, dhall-to-json converts a Dhall value like this:

[ { mapKey = "foo", mapValue = 1 }
, { mapKey = "bar", mapValue = 2 }
] : ./Map Text Natural

... to a JSON value like this:

{ "foo": 1, "bar", 2 }


This is the canonical way to encode a dynamic list of key-value pairs.

Tools (such as `dhall-to-json`/`dhall-to-yaml` will recognize values of this
type and convert them to maps/dictionaries/hashes in the target language

For example, `dhall-to-json` converts a Dhall value like this:

[ { mapKey = "foo", mapValue = 1 }
, { mapKey = "bar", mapValue = 2 }
] : ./Map Text Natural

... to a JSON value like this:

{ "foo": 1, "bar", 2 }
let Map
: Type → Type → Type
= λ(k : Type) → λ(v : Type) → List { mapKey : k, mapValue : v }

in Map