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Dhall encoding of an arbitrary JSON value

For example, the following JSON value:

[ { "foo": null, "bar": [ 1.0, true ] } ]

... corresponds to the following Dhall expression:

λ(JSON : Type) →
λ ( json
  : { array : List JSON → JSON
    , bool : Bool → JSON
    , null : JSON
    , double : Double → JSON
    , integer : Integer → JSON
    , object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON
    , string : Text → JSON
  ) →
    [ { mapKey = "foo", mapValue = json.null }
    , { mapKey = "bar"
      , mapValue = json.array [ json.double 1.0, json.bool True ]

You do not need to create these values directly, though. You can use the utilities exported by ./package.dhall to create values of this type, such as:

let JSON = ./package.dhall

in  JSON.object
      [ { mapKey = "foo", mapValue = JSON.null }
      , { mapKey = "bar"
        , mapValue = JSON.array [ JSON.double 1.0, JSON.bool True ]


Dhall encoding of an arbitrary JSON value

For example, the following JSON value:

[ { "foo": null, "bar": [ 1.0, true ] } ]

... corresponds to the following Dhall expression:

λ(JSON : Type) →
λ ( json
: { array : List JSON → JSON
, bool : Bool → JSON
, null : JSON
, double : Double → JSON
, integer : Integer → JSON
, object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON
, string : Text → JSON
) →
[ { mapKey = "foo", mapValue = json.null }
, { mapKey = "bar"
, mapValue = json.array [ json.double 1.0, json.bool True ]

You do not need to create these values directly, though. You can use
the utilities exported by `./package.dhall` to create values of this type,
such as:

let JSON = ./package.dhall

in JSON.object
[ { mapKey = "foo", mapValue = JSON.null }
, { mapKey = "bar"
, mapValue = JSON.array [ JSON.double 1.0, JSON.bool True ]

let JSON/Type
: Type
= ∀(JSON : Type) →
∀ ( json
: { array : List JSON → JSON
, bool : Bool → JSON
, double : Double → JSON
, integer : Integer → JSON
, null : JSON
, object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON
, string : Text → JSON
) →

in JSON/Type