Copy path to clipboardRender a JSON
value as Text
in YAML format.
The generated YAML text will only contain escaped object keys and string values and might therefore not be very human readable.
However, it is useful for debugging JSON
values or for tests.
For anything more sophisticated you should use dhall-to-json
( JSON.array
[ JSON.bool True
, JSON.string "Hello"
, JSON.object
[ { mapKey = "foo", mapValue = JSON.null }
, { mapKey = "bar", mapValue = JSON.double 1.0 }
≡ ''
- true
- "Hello"
- "foo": null
"bar": 1.0
Render a `JSON` value as `Text` in YAML format.
The generated YAML text will only contain escaped object keys and
string values and might therefore not be very human readable.
However, it is useful for debugging `JSON` values or for tests.
For anything more sophisticated you should use `dhall-to-json` or
let JSON =
./core.dhall sha256:5dc1135d5481cfd6fde625aaed9fcbdb7aa7c14f2e76726aa5fdef028a5c10f5
? ./core.dhall
let renderAs =
./renderAs.dhall sha256:c23be039c9601a33d6546fd99a8d72bee8dde5f46176d57cc96613b31a3bb471
? ./renderAs.dhall
let Format =
./Format.dhall sha256:d7936b510cfc091faa994652af0eb5feb889cd44bc989edbe4f1eb8c5623caac
? ./Format.dhall
let renderYAML
: JSON.Type → Text
= renderAs Format.YAML
let example0 =
: renderYAML
( JSON.array
[ JSON.bool True
, JSON.string "Hello"
, JSON.object
[ { mapKey = "foo", mapValue = JSON.null }
, { mapKey = "bar", mapValue = JSON.double 1.0 }
≡ ''
- true
- "Hello"
- "foo": null
"bar": 1.0
in renderYAML