Copy path to clipboardpartition
divides a List
of elements into those that satisfy a predicate
and those that do not
partition Natural Natural/even [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
≡ { true = [ 0, 2 ], false = [ 1, 3 ] }
`partition` divides a `List` of elements into those that satisfy a predicate
and those that do not
let Partition
: Type → Type
= λ(a : Type) → { true : List a, false : List a }
let partition
: ∀(a : Type) → (a → Bool) → List a → Partition a
= λ(a : Type) →
λ(f : a → Bool) →
λ(xs : List a) →
(Partition a)
( λ(x : a) →
λ(p : Partition a) →
if f x
then { true = [ x ] # p.true, false = p.false }
else { true = p.true, false = [ x ] # p.false }
{ true = [] : List a, false = [] : List a }
let example0 =
: partition Natural Natural/even [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
≡ { true = [ 0, 2 ], false = [ 1, 3 ] }
in partition