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This type is used as part of dhall-json's support for preserving alternative names

For example, this Dhall code:

let Example = < Left : { foo : Natural } | Right : { bar : Bool } >

let Nesting = < Inline | Nested : Text >

in  { field =
    , nesting =
    , contents =
        Example.Left { foo = 2 }

... generates this JSON:

  "foo": 2,
  "name": "Left"


This type is used as part of `dhall-json`'s support for preserving alternative

For example, this Dhall code:

let Example = < Left : { foo : Natural } | Right : { bar : Bool } >

let Nesting = < Inline | Nested : Text >

in { field =
, nesting =
, contents =
Example.Left { foo = 2 }

... generates this JSON:

"foo": 2,
"name": "Left"

let Nesting
: Type
= < Inline | Nested : Text >

in Nesting