Copy path to clipboardExamples
replicate 3 "foo" ≡ "foofoofoo"
Build a Text by copying the given Text the specified number of times
let concat =
./concat sha256:731265b0288e8a905ecff95c97333ee2db614c39d69f1514cb8eed9259745fc0
? ./concat
let List/replicate =
../List/replicate sha256:d4250b45278f2d692302489ac3e78280acb238d27541c837ce46911ff3baa347
? ../List/replicate
let replicate
: Natural → Text → Text
= λ(num : Natural) → λ(text : Text) → concat (List/replicate num Text text)
let example0 = assert : replicate 3 "foo" ≡ "foofoofoo"
let property = λ(text : Text) → assert : replicate 0 text ≡ ""
in replicate