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map Natural Bool Natural/even [ 2, 3, 5 ] ≡ [ True, False, False ]
map Natural Bool Natural/even ([] : List Natural) ≡ ([] : List Bool)
Transform a list by applying a function to each element
let map
: ∀(a : Type) → ∀(b : Type) → (a → b) → List a → List b
= λ(a : Type)
→ λ(b : Type)
→ λ(f : a → b)
→ λ(xs : List a)
→ List/build
( λ(list : Type)
→ λ(cons : b → list → list)
→ List/fold a xs list (λ(x : a) → cons (f x))
let example0 =
: map Natural Bool Natural/even [ 2, 3, 5 ] ≡ [ True, False, False ]
let example1 =
: map Natural Bool Natural/even ([] : List Natural) ≡ ([] : List Bool)
in map